Associating files, folders or datarooms to records
CloudFiles offers HubSpot users the ability to associate files, folders and datarooms as attachments on the CloudFiles widget in the right sidebar of the HubSpot record. Using these attachment tiles, you can quickly access the associated resources and perform operations on them when coming back to a record after long time.
Note that we use the terms 'Associate', 'Association', 'Attachments', 'Attach', 'Add' etc.. interchangeably. All these terms are similar in meaning and relate to linking a file, folder or dataroom to a HubSpot record such that it becomes visible in a rectangular tile on the right sidebar. Thus, associating a folder to a contact means the same thing as adding a folder to a contact.
The graphic below shows the HubSpot widget with a file, folder and dataroom attachment. The attachment is divided into details and the actions dropdown. Both are discussed in the sections below.

Associating (or attaching or adding) a file, folder or dataroom (resources) is a quick and easy process. This can be achieved manually by navigating the content library and selecting the resource to be attached or automatically using the Create Attachment Action in HubSpot workflows. The widget is available on contacts, companies, deals and tickets.
The graphic below shows how to easily add an association (or attachment) to the CloudFiles widget from a HubSpot record.

The attachment details section offers a lot of details about the type, status, uploader and attached resource. It also provides an easy way to navigate to the attached resource.

The name of the attachment is a hyperlink to the attached resource. E.g. if the attached resource is a file in SharePoint, this action would open the file in the appropriate Microsoft editor. Similarily, if the attached resource is a google drive folder, the hyperlink will open the folder in google drive. If the atatched resource is a dataroom, the hyperlink will open the dataroom in the CloudFiles Web App.
The status is primarily related to the CloudFiles sharing link for the attached resource. This can either be Not Shared, Live or Offline. Refer to the sections below for the meaning of each.
This means that a sharing link of the attached resource was never created. A sharing link is a CloudFiles link that provides extra security settings and engagement analytics. A sharing link for an attachment can be created using the Share operation described in the section below or by using the Share Attachment workflow action.
This means that a sharing link was created for the attached resource is currently available live for viewing. This status shows up after an external shareable CloudFiles link has been created for the attachment. A live link can be taken offline by updating the link settings.
This means that a sharing link was created for the attached resource but was taken offline. Thus the link is currently not accessible and would show file not found if accessed. An offline link can be taken online by updating the link settings.
This tells you whether the attached resource is a file, folder or dataroom. Depending on the type of resource, the available details in the tile or the actions dropdown of the tile may change.
This appears only if the status of the attachment is Live or Offline. It does not appear if the status is Not Shared. This is a summary analytics number of how many views have been gathered on the shared link of the attachment.
This consists of information such as upload date, time, uploader details etc...
Depending on the type of attachment, the available operations in the Actions dropdown changes. There are a number of operations possible using these dropdown actions. All of these actions have been detailed below depending on whether they appear in file, folder or dataroom attachments.

These operations are available for all types of tiles. This implies that these operations are applicable on files, folders as well as datarooms.
This operation only appears if the attachment status is Not Shared. This status implies that a CloudFiles sharing link has not yet been created for the attached resource. The Share operation enables you create the link. When selected, this will open the link settings dialog. This dialog can be used to copy the link as well as manually update the link settings.

This option only appears if the attachment status is Live. This status implies that a link has already been created for the attached resource, either manually or using an automation. Using the Get Link operation, you can open the Link Settings dialog. This dialog can be used to copy the link or change its configuration. This is shown in the GIF below.

This operation can be used to quickly view the analytics of the shared attached resource. CloudFiles collects a lot of Document analytics in HubSpot. This analytics is available for automations as well as manual viewing. Using the Analytics operation of the dropdown is one of the ways to see the analytics of any shared link.

This operation is to delete the attachment. Note that while this does not delete the file or the folder that is associated, this operation will delete the link and any analytics associated to this attachment.
These operations are available only for file type attachments. This implies that these operations are applicable only on files.
You can replace files such as PDFs, images, PPTs & docs while preserving the same link. Many a times, there are last minute changes or new updates to be incorporated into your content, However the content links have already been shared with a number of recipients. In such cases it is recommended to use the CloudFiles Replace File feature to replace your files while retaining the functionality of the shared CloudFiles links. This feature just updates the content on all the existing links of that content.
Simply click on the Actions dropdown and select the replace option on any file attachment. The upload file modal will open up. Upload the new file and that's it. Your old file will be replace. The steps have been shown in the graphic below.
Replacing the file does not change the name of the original file.

This option only appears for files that have been attached from external storages and shared using a CloudFiles link with manual syncing enabled. This option enables you to manually sync the externally shared file.
This operation does not do anything if you have auto-syncing enabled for your file. It's only applicable when you have chosen to manually sync the shared link with the file in the external storage.
This operation can be used to download the file. The download will be done on the local directory of the user.
This operation can be used to directly add the attached file or folder to any dataroom. This option is also available inside the CloudFiles content library dialog. This means you can use the folder browse operation along with this to selectively share internal files with external stakeholders. Check the dataroom management section of the previous article for more details.
These operations are available only for folder type attachments. This implies that these operations are applicable only on folders.
This actions enables you to open a dialog where you can browse the contents of the attached folder. You can upload files, create folders as well as do all the file and folder related operations that are allowed by the content library dialog as was covered in the previous article on Using content library inside HubSpot.

This operation can be used to directly add the attached file or folder to any dataroom. This option is also available inside the CloudFiles content library dialog. This means you can use the folder browse operation along with this to selectively share internal files with external stakeholders. Check the dataroom management section of the previous article for more details.
These operations are available only for dataroom type attachments. This implies that these operations are applicable only on datarooms.
This actions enables you to open a dialog where you can update the contents of a dataroom. You can add files and folders as well as file request blocks. You can group and re-arrange elements and also edit the name and description and other details related to the dataroom right from HubSpot.