Automate Email Notifications to your Internal Team when a File is uploaded in HubSpot
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to notify your team by generating links for files uploaded to HubSpot using the HubSpot-CloudFiles integration. We'll guide you through each step to ensure your files are uploaded and shared with your team, making it easier to manage and track the distribution of important assets within your team.
By the end of this tutorial, you will:
- Know how to generate secure links for files uploaded to HubSpot.
- Have a clear process for notifying team members when files are shared.
The GIF below shows the expected output. If you have a basic grasp of these concepts, you can expect to finish the tutorial in under 5 minutes.

Before you start with the set-up, please ensure you have installed CloudFiles and connected it to your cloud storage of choice.
CloudFiles is available on the app marketplace and can be installed using the standard app installation process. Check out Installation guide for CloudFiles HubSpot Integration.

Login to your external storage of choice such as Google Drive, SharePoint etc. through the CloudFiles interface. This will give you instant access to your external files within HubSpot. The GIF below shows the steps quickly.
Check out Quick start for file connector in HubSpot for more information.

In addition to installing CloudFiles in HubSpot, you also need to set an automation user for the workflow to work. This is the integration user that will be used by the workflow actions to pass files into the cloud storage.
To connect an automation user, simply head over to > Settings > Integrations > Google Drive and login through your google account. What is an 'Automation User' and how does it work? this article explains everything you need to know about the automation user, including what it is, why it's useful, and how it operates.

After connecting the desired storage, we will proceed to create deal -based workflow which will be triggered when a file is attached to the CloudFiles widget of the particular Deal record. Here’s how our final workflow looks like. We will detail these elements in the sections below.

Create a new deal-based workflow and set the trigger to activate when the number of resources attached to the CloudFiles widget is greater than or equal to one. We've utilized the CloudFiles properties, 'Number of resources attached,' so that the workflow is triggered whenever a file is attached to a specific deal record.

The Get Attachment Details Action retrieves information about attachments, which can then be used for process automation. An attachment links a file, folder, or dataroom to a HubSpot record, and this link appears as a tile in the CloudFiles Widget on the right side of the HubSpot record.
To use the “Get Attachment Details” action, click the add button and search for ‘Get Attachment Details.’ After adding the action, you will need to fill in only one parameter:
- Attachments to Fetch - This is a selector to specify if only the latest attachment's details needs to be fetched or if details of all attachments need to be fetched.
For a detailed description of the Get Attachment Details action, refer to the Get Attachment Details Action detailed guide. Here’s how our final Get Attachment Details action looks like -

The Share Attachment action allows you to share attachments through HubSpot workflows. This process is similar to manually creating a sharing link for a file, folder, or dataroom from a HubSpot record.
To use this action, click the add button and search for ‘Share Attachment.’ This action requires only one parameter:
- Attachment to be shared, which can be obtained from the return value of the previous Get Attachment Details action, labelled ‘New Attachment ID.’
Here’s how our final Share Attachment action looks like -

In this step, we will set the link created in the previous step into a deal property. First, create a single-line text property in the HubSpot Deal Settings; we’ll call it ‘Shareable link.’
We will use the Edit Record action to transfer the shared link to this property. For the 'Property to set' parameter, choose the property you created and then set the custom property to the URL output derived from the Share Attachment.
The GIF below illustrates how to configure the Edit Record action.

Send an internal email to specific users, teams, or owners. This email notification offers rich text formatting options similar to other HubSpot editors. You can customize the text, add images, and use workflow-specific tokens.
I selected the Deal owner under the "Send to Existing Owners" parameter and included the "Shareable Link" property we created earlier in the body, along with the message.
Here's an example of how the completed Send Internal email notification action should look:

To test the workflow, create a new deal or open an existing deal record. In the CloudFiles widget on the right, attach a specific file, then wait a minute for the workflow to execute. Refresh the page, and if you set yourself as the deal owner, you will receive the link to the attached file in your email.
The GIF below provides a visual guide for these steps.