Workflow Actions

Delete Dataroom Action



The Delete Dataroom action by CloudFiles allows you to delete datarooms using HubSpot workflows. A dataroom is a file portal, where you can store multiple files, folder and add file blocks for your viewers. The delete action will delete any files received and not transferred to an external cloud storage. 

However the action does not delete the files that have been received and transferred to an external storage. Moreover, the action also does not delete any files or folders that were added to the dataroom. Those can only be deleted through the library.

The "Delete dataroom" action takes in only one parameter. It also returns some values that can be used in later actions.

  1. Dataroom ID:- The ID of the dataroom which needs to be deleted. This needs to be either stored during creation or retrieved manually using the CloudFiles library.
  2. Return Values:- Various values returned by this action after execution.

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The sections below cover all the parameters in detail.

1 - Dataroom ID

The Dataroom ID is the parameter that identifies a dataroom which needs to be deleted. Every dataroom created in CloudFiles has an internal ID associated with it. This ID can either be retrieved using the return values of the create dataroom action, get attachment details action or from the CloudFiles Dashboard.

  1. From Create Dataroom Action- This action returns the ID of the newly created dataroom. You can store this ID in a HubSpot property associated with the record and use it later to delete the dataroom.
  2. From Get Attachment Details Action- If the dataroom is already attached to the HubSpot record, you can also get the dataroom ID from the resource ID field of the Get Attachment Details action. This is one of the return values of the Get Attachment Details action.
  3. From CloudFiles dashboard- This is usually not applicable in deletion use-cases. You can manually get the dataroom ID from the CloudFiles dashboard as shown in the steps of Create Dataroom Action's Template Dataroom ID parameter.

In the graphic below, we are retrieving the Dataroom ID using the resource ID return value of the Get Attachment Details action.

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2 - Return Values

The Delete Dataroom action returns the following values. These can be used in later actions to chain together actions and create complex automations.

1. Action Status -This is a success or failure message based on whether the action executed correctly.

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