
Document analytics in HubSpot


CloudFiles converts the file into an online viewable format such as PDF or Microsoft Excel and renders it for the client when the link is accessed. It can track opens, number of views, download, total time spent etc.. on the file. Moreover, CloudFiles can track such information and present it for files, folders as well as datarooms.

This information is also pushed to HubSpot and is easily accessible from records, manually as well as through automations. The article below summarizes CloudFiles analytics in the context of HubSpot. For a more comprehensive view of CloudFiles analytics, you can also check the section on Document Analytics in the Web App Knowledge Base. Most of the web app features are available through HubSpot.

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In this article we list down the various analytics functions provided by CloudFiles and link to further sub-sections where details of each of these are covered.

Accessing the analytics

There are multiple ways to access your file, folder and dataroom analytics from HubSpot. The analytics is shown using the analytics modal in HubSpot. This modal can be opened from various places as covered in the section below.

The analytics dialog

The analytics is shown using the analytics modal in HubSpot. This dialog box can be opened from various locations as is covered in the section below. The dialog can show summary stats, page-wise data and drill down of the data. You can also export and delete analytics using this dialog. The dialog is shown below for quick reference.

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Open from attachment action

To access the analytics section in the CloudFiles HubSpot app,  go to the file, folder or dataroom attachment from the CloudFiles widget on any HubSpot record, and then click on actions > analytics. This process is illustrated below.

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Open from record timeline

If you have enabled timeline activities for CloudFiles, you will be able to see the CloudFiles views on the record timeline as well. The graphic below shows how to enable the timeline activity for CloudFiles.

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Once enabled, CloudFiles events start showing up on the record. You can use the View Detailed Analytics Button shown below to open the analytics dialog.

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Using Web App (For Marketing)

If you are using the CloudFiles Web App (https://app.cloudfiles.io) to maintain a single view of your collateral and pushing the analytics to HubSpot, you can view consolidated analytics from the webapp itself. Refer to this article on Accessing the analytics section to see how to navigate the analytics section in the CloudFiles Web App.

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Tracking Metrics

There are various file engagement metrics available in the CloudFiles tracking section such as Total Views, Unique Views, Downloads, Total Time & Page-wise time spent etc... Moreover, CloudFiles can track these metrics for all types of resources. I.e. files, folders as well as datarooms. Details can be found in our article on Tracking metrics in CloudFiles.

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Drill-Down Analytics

CloudFiles provides a comprehensive report of document tracking that can be sliced to get insights through its Analytics session hierarchy. Each view is treated as a single session. The same client may view the file multiple times, creating multiple sessions.

CloudFiles detects, consolidates and presents this information in an easy to understand way. As shown below, by default the analytics modal shows the total time spent and time spent by all users in all their sessions, viewing the file. 

You can find more information about drill-down analytics in our article on Drilldown into users, sessions & devices.

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Special HubSpot Features

Since CloudFiles integrates deeply with HubSpot, we provide a host of features that'd not be possible using a normal, data-only integration. Some of these features are specially built for HubSpot. E.g. while the link personalization feature below works with all CRMs and mailing tools, the Cookie integration is specially built with HubSpot in mind.

Check the list below for some of the special analytics features offered by the CloudFiles HubSpot Integration.

Link Personalization Params

CloudFiles provides a handy little feature which has large repercussions for mass email campaigns. Instead of asking your users to fill in their email in our soft gating email wall, you can provide the person's email along with the link. In such a case, since CloudFiles already knows the email, it logs the analytics against it without showing the wall.

When sending marketing emails or sales sequences in HubSpot, this feature can be combined with HubSpot personalization tokens to created ungated personalized tracking. You can read more about this in our article on Ungated analytics for collateral in HubSpot email campaigns.

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As of covered the in accessing analytics section above, CloudFiles posts a timeline event on the record of interest whenever a file view happens. This happens whenever CloudFiles event (covered below) is pushed by CloudFiles to HubSpot.

There can be different types of events pushed by CloudFiles. E.g. the CloudFiles: File Viewed event shows up on the timeline activity with information about the view and a link to open the analytics dialog.

Check the Open on record timeline section above for more information on enabling and using the timeline event.

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HubSpot Cookie Integration

If you have connected your own custom domain that is also connected to your HubSpot, CloudFiles can also read & write information from / to your HubSpot Cookie (HUTK Cookie). This enables a host of features with HubSpot. To enable this feature and see it's beenfits, check out our detailed article on Adding HubSpot tracking code for better website integration.

CloudFiles Event

CloudFiles pushes a number of events to your HubSpot that can be used in various automations. One of the key analytics event is the CloudFiles: File Viewed event that is pushed whenever a view happens on your file that can be associated to a HubSpot record. This event can be used for triggering workflows, filtering lists, seeing information on timeline events, creating custom synced properties etc...

Check out the File automations with HubSpot article for more information about CloudFiles related events and automations.

Miscellaneous Features

We talk about a few more analytics related features of CloudFiles here.


To perform advanced file analytics you will need to download the file analytics as an excel file and do simple manipulations in it. In our article on Export Analytics to Excel File we show how the analytics can be exported and what all details are exported by the app.

Analytics can be exported directly from HubSpot records using the analytics dialog. The graphic below shows the export button on this dialog.

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CloudFiles can send you emails whenever your file is viewed. You can use these emails to stay updated, quickly access the HubSpot record from email inbox or quickly access CloudFiles analytics page from email inbox. A snapshot of the email notification is shown below -

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You can also control the frequency of these notifications using the link settings dialog as shown in the image below. You can even enable user and admin settings to auto-set the notification frequency. The screenshot below shows these settings -

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Additionally, you can also send custom slack or email notifications using HubSpot workflows along with CloudFiles' File Viewed workflow trigger. You can read more about this specific use-case in our article on Slack/email notifications on file events in HubSpot.

More details on how to set these notifications up can be found in our article on Notifications on File Views.

File Subscriptions

Using file subscriptions, you can have your viewers subscribe to updates in your files. Whenever the file is updated, CloudFiles send an update email to all your subscribers. This is a great way to keep your audience engaged. Check how to use this feature in our article on File Subscriptions by CloudFiles.

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