Get Attachment Details Action
The Get Attachment details by CloudFiles receives the details of attachment(s) which can then be used in other actions to perform process automations. An Attachment is a association between a file / folder / dataroom & a HubSpot record. This association shows up as a tile on the right side of the HubSpot record in the CloudFiles Widget. Other attachment related workflow actions can helpΒ create attachmentsΒ automatically & createΒ sharing links of these attachments.
In order to get an attachment's details, make sure that you already have an attachment on the triggering record. E.g. you can either trigger a workflow after someone has manually attached a file onto the record or you can automatically create an attachment if you have the file / folder / dataroom ready.

This action has only one parameter that can be set to specify the attachment for which the details need to be fetched. It returns a number of values that can be later used in other actions -
- Attachments to FetchΒ - This is a selector to specify if only the latest attachment's details needs to be fetched or if details of all attachments need to be fetched.
- Return Values- Status of action run along with a number of other parameters that can be used in later actions.

A record can be associated to multiple files & folders. Since this action is only used to get the details of a pre-existing attachment on the triggering record. The Attachments to Fetch action provides a selector with these 2 choices. This has been shown in the graphic below.
If you choose to return all attachment details, the return values of this action may contain comma separated lists. Thus, it is always advisable to just return one attachment's detail at a time.

The Get Attachment Details action returns the following values. These can be used in later actions to chain together actions and create complex automations.
- Action Status- This is a success or failure message based on whether the action executed correctly.
- Attachment ID- This is the internal ID of the attachment. This may be useful in use-cases such as creating the same attachment on another record by passing this attachment to it.
- URL Slug- This is the final slug of the CloudFiles URL that was generated using this action. Slug may be important for usage in marketing & sales email automations
- URL- Β This is the complete CloudFiles URL that was generated using this action.
- Cloud Storage URL- This is the internal Cloud Storage URL (e.g. the Google Drive link or the SharePoint Link) of the file or folder this attachment is associated to.
- Resource Id- This is the internal ID (e.g. file ID or folder ID or dataroom ID) of the associated file / folder / dataroom.
- Name- This is the name of the associated file / folder / dataroom. The file name will contain the extension as well.
- Type- This specifies whether the attachment is associated to file, folder or dataroom
- Status- This specifies whether the attached file / folder / dataroom is shared / not shared / offline etc...