Flow Actions
Get Folder Contents
The “Get Folder Contents” Action can be used to fetch contents of a Folder.
In your flow builder, search for the element named "Get Folder Contents". You can also find this action in the CloudFiles category when you click the "Action" element in the "Add Element" box. Select the action to insert it into the flow.
- Library - Library is the Cloud based drive name whose contents you wish to fetch. Example - sharepoint for SharePoint folder, google for Google Drive folder etc.
- Drive Id - Is the Drive Id of the Folder for SharePoint or Google Drive. This parameter is not needed for other storages. You can get the value of DriveId from outputs of other used Action elements in the flow like Get Connected Folder.
- Resource Id - Is the external Id of the resource. You can get the value of Resource id from outputs of other used Action elements in the flow like Get Connected Folder.
“Get Folder Contents” Action outputs or returns a Resource List .