Creating file, folder and dataroom links
In this article, we will cover the link generation feature of CloudFiles. What is a CloudFiles link? It's basically a URL that hosts your file with security settings. With CloudFiles, you can create single or multiple links for your files. This has various use-cases such as maintaining a single file with different security settings that can be shared with different types of clients, segmenting analytics based on users / channels etc...
You can create CloudFiles links for files, folders as well as datarooms. In this article we cover all of these thoroughly. We first talk about link creations for different types of assets and locating existing links. We then cover multi-link creation which helps segment marketing analytics. Finally we talk a little bit about link configuration.
Using CloudFiles, you can create links for files, folders and datarooms. The sub-sections below cover each of these scenarios.
Links are associated with uploaded files. In order to create a link, you first need to locate the file and go to the file details screen. Once you have the file open in the content library, you can simply create a link by clicking on the "Create Link" button on the top right. You will be asked to name your link after which it will show up on the screen as shown below.

Navigate to the CloudFiles content library. Locate the folder and go to the folder details screen. Go to the Links section inside the folder and Choose Create Link. Choose a new name for the link. Set up the security settings for the link and Voila you are good to go.

Ensuring secure sharing of your data rooms. Now that you have files and folders added to your CloudFiles Data Rooms, click on create link and name the link. Add the security, expiry and status settings. Your link is now created and can be shared. This will ensure confidential information protection.
You can also change the link security settings after the link has been shared.

The CloudFiles content library allows multiple ways to access the links that belong to various assets. You can either navigate to the asset using the content library or simply search for the name of your link.
You can navigate through the content library into the appropriate folder, file or dataroom. The links are visible in the Links section of the asset details page. You can click on individual links to update their settings or see analytics.
CloudFiles search works for all types of assets including links. Just type in your link name and the search should return relevant results.
The generated links can be easily renamed using the rename action shown below. This action is available in the options of the link tiles that are shown on the file / folder / dataroom description page.

Sometimes you may need to create multiple links for your files. This can include cases where you need to share the same file on multiple channels or with multiple users and want to track analytics separately. This may also be the case if you are trying to maintain a single file version.
With CloudFiles, you can create multiple links to your files and manage them individually in the content library.

Now that your link has been created, you can update link settings just like any other link. To do this, click on the link name. This will open the link settings modal. The settings of one link of the file are exclusive of other links. I.e. changing security of one link has no effect on other links of the file.