Gauging Buyer Interest Using CloudFiles
CloudFiles provides detailed analytics with a number of rich metrics to help you draw useful insights from the data. You can know about forwards, specific interests of the buyer, their willingness to buy and more through your file analytics
CloudFiles provides you with the total number of unique views of your files. This implies that if your file is accessed by different users or is forwarded by your clients, you will know how many unique users have viewed the file. This can serve as a measure of the effectiveness of your content.
Buyers tend to re-visit files to get additional details if they are interested. CloudFiles logs these multiple views of the same user as well. With your total views increasing at different times, you can narrow down the most interested buyers.
Buyers tend to download the files if they get very much interested in product. The time of download is an important factor as well. CloudFiles logs these downlaods and helps you score your leads accordingly.
CloudFiles tells you the total as well as page-by-page time spent by your clients for all the views logged on your files. You can slice and dice this information in a neat Users > Sessions > Individual Session hierarchy.

CloudFiles also allows you to download the analytics in a csv file and manipulate the data. You can then connect engagement metrics such as views, downloads and time spent on different files with the cost of the campaigns and the revenue earned, thus creating unique financial reports for the top management.
If you'd like to see Analytics in action and understand how you can get all these metrics, Document Analytics.