Add to Dataroom Action
The "Add to dataroom" action by CloudFiles enables you to insert files, folders and file request blocks to your CloudFiles datarooms using a workflow. These files & folders can be picked from any cloud storage such as Google Drive, SharePoint, OneDrive etc... Moreover, the file request block's destination folder can also be set using this action. Using this action multiple times can enable a host of use-cases related to dataroom sharing & requesting.
To make sure this action works with your Cloud Storage, you need to understand What is an 'Automation User' and how does it work?ο»Ώο»Ώ

The "Add to dataroom" action can take in various types of parameters. The paramters can change based on previous selections. Here is a list of all parameters taken in by this action.
1. Dataroom ID: The ID of the dataroom where this addition needs to be done. This can be retrieved using the create dataroom action or hardcoded.
2. Type: Selector for whether you want to add file / folder or dataroom into the dataroom.
3. File Request Parameters: Β Name, description and other parameters used to personalize the file request block being added to the dataroom.
4. Cloud Storage Parameters: These parameters are used to specify the source for file / folder or the destination of file request block in the respective cloud storage. There are various parameters required here.
5. Return Values: Various values returned by this action after execution.
The sections below cover all the parameters in detail.
The dataroom ID is the parameter that identifies a dataroom to which the file / folder / file request block is to be added. Every dataroom created in CloudFiles has an ID associated with it. This ID can either be retrieved using the return values of the create dataroom action or from the CloudFiles Dashboard.
If the dataroom was created using the same workflow, dataroom ID can be retrieved from the return value of the create dataroom action. This is useful for dynamic use-cases where dataroom is created by the workflow itself and can be different for each record.

In cases where the additions are to be done in the same dataroom always, it's ID can be retrieved from the CloudFiles dashboard. Β The steps are mentioned below -
- Find the CloudFiles widget from any HubSpot record, and click on CloudFiles. It will redirect you to
- Go to the Datarooms tab.
- Either create a new dataroom here or click on the dataroom which is to be cloned.
- In the address bar of your browser, you will find the dataroom ID. It should look something like this: 62629eb2c0d56a0230f75ab5
The dataroom ID is shown in the image below -

This selector helps specify whether a file / folder or dataroom is being added to the dataroom. There are 2 available choices here. Content implies addition of file or folder into the dataroom. File Request implies addition of a file request block into the dataroom. Based on your selection here, parameters below will change.

This parameter is visible if you select Content in the Type selector above. If you select File Request, this parameter becomes visible if a destination needs to be set.Β
Library is the desired Cloud storage from where you want to add a file or folder from or where you want the file request block's upload to go to. Anything between CloudFiles, OneDrive, SharePoint, Box or Dropbox can be selected. Based on your choice, new parameters would become visible in the action. These are discussed in the sections below.

This field is available for cases when cotnent is to be added. If you are trying to add a file or a folder, this is the field where you specify the path to that file or folder. Note that exact and full path must be provided here in order to add the file / folder correctly to the dataroom.
The path to the file or folder can be copied from the metadata on the CloudFiles dashboard and then personalized using the record tokens. Follow the simple steps below -
- Find the CloudFiles widget from any HubSpot record, and click on CloudFiles. It will redirect you to app.cloudfiles.ioο»Ώ
- Under the libraries tab, navigate to the file or folder that you are trying to add.
- Copy the parameter from the meta data on the right side of the screen.
Parameter from meta data is shown below -

This is important for Google Drive & SharePoint library selection. Both these cloud storage have multiple drives where files can be stored. E.g. Google Drive has My Drive & Shared Drive while SharePoint can have multiple drives inside multiple sites. This parameter helps CloudFiles identify which drive to pick / push the file or folder from.
The drive ID can be copied using the meta data in CloudFiles dashboard as shown in the steps in the Path to file / folder section above.
This is the name you wish to give your file request block. This name appears on the top of the request block when you share the dataroom with the customer. Usually it's a good practice to use personalization tokens or names of specific documents that the customer needs to upload here. As shown below, we prompt the user to upload passports here.

This is an optional field, used to describe your file request block. This is additional level of detail that you can give such as the specifications for the file uploads that must be done. We use this to tell the user that latest valid passport must be uploaded.

This is Yes / No selector to specify whether you want to set a destination folder for the file request block. If set to yes, additional parameters will appear below to help set the destination folder. If set to No, the file will still show up and will be stored on CloudFiles server.

This field is available for cases when destination of the file request block needs to be set on a folder in some cloud storage. If you are trying to transfer the requested files to a specified location on cloud storage, this is the field where you specify the path to that folder. Note that exact and full path must be provided here in order to set the destination folder correctly.
The folder path can be copied using the meta data in CloudFiles dashboard as shown in the steps in the Path to file / folder section above.
If your folders are deeply nested, this optional parameter can help speed things up. Instead of searching through all the folders every time, which can slow things down, you can enter a specific Folder ID here to add the files uploaded via the dataroom to make the process easier.
You donβt need to fill in the Drive ID or Path to Destination, as the files will be stored inside the root folder by default.
Even if you want to add the files inside a specific subfolder, you can do so by adding a slash ( / ) followed by the subfolder name in the Path to Destination field. The purpose of the Root Folder parameter is to simplify the process, so you donβt have to enter the full path manually in such cases.
If you need a Folder ID, you can find it in the CloudFiles Library metadata.
Use this parameter only if you are sure how to use it; otherwise, leave it blank.
The Add to Dataroom action returns the following values. These can be used in later actions to chain together actions and create complex automations.
- Action Status- This is a success or failure message based on whether the action executed correctly.