Platform Events
This set includes all the platform events and articles related to it that come built into the CloudFiles-Salesforce integration.
CloudFiles Platform event
- Label: CloudFiles Event
- Object Name: cldfs_CloudFiles_Event_e
CloudFiles Platform event's Custom fields:
- Type Field Name: cldfs_Type_c Description: This field provides information of the type of event published. For example, a CloudFiles event is published whenever a Salesforce File is attached to a Salesforce record. The type field of this event is going to be salesforce-file-attached. Similarly, there are several types of events published when a folders is created in external storage, when file is uploaded using the widget, when a resource is attached to a reacord and many more.
- Object Type Field Name: cldfs_Object_Type_c Description: This field provides information of the Object on which the CloudFiles event or action is performed. For example, for a salesforce file attached onto an Account record, the Object Type field of the event is going to be Object API Name i.e. Account
- Data Field Name: cldfs_Data_c Description: This field hosts further information of the event. For example, for a salesforce file attached event, thsi Data hosts information like record Id onto which file is attached, content document Id of the file attached and much more.
- Request Id Field Name: cldfs_Request_Id_c Description: This is going to be a unique request Id of an event.
Type of Events: