Flow Actions
Update Link Settings
“Update Link Settings” action can be used to update security policies on your created CloudFiles links. The settings include disabling the link, restricting access to the link to specific users, protecting the link with a password etc. For example, if you wish to restrict the access to the shared collateral available through the link, you can do so by specifying the list of authorized user email Ids.
In your flow builder, search for the element named “Update Link Settings”. You can also find this action in the CloudFiles category when you click the "Action" element in the "Add Element" box. Select the action to insert it into the flow.
- Link Id - Input the CloudFiles Link Id whose settings are to be updated.
- Allowed Emails - Input a list of Email Ids you wish to grant access to the link.
- Allowed Domains - Input a list of Domains you wish to grant access to the link.
- Disable - Toggle On and set value to 'True' to disable the CloudFiles Link.
- Allow Downloading - Toggle On and set value to 'True' to allow downloading.
- Password - Enter the password you wish to use to protect the CloudFiles link.