Requesting files using Datarooms
Learn to use CloudFiles File Requests to get customer/ recipient files and documents organized neatly in a single folder
Business communication is always two way, you send some information to customers and expect some form of response from them.
Getting all this information via email attachments through e-mails is time consuming since they require downloads and a person to manually assign and sort them into folders.
You can reduce this cycle time of getting files from customers and recipients by using CloudFiles File Requests.
CloudFiles File Requests has some more benefits over the current generation file sharing tools they are:
- Uploading multiple files through a single link
- Display your files at the Request Lin
- Pre-set file directories
- Suitable for large size files
- Mirror Content into your personal Google Drive
To use CloudFiles File Request follow the steps:
- Sign in to your CloudFiles account and go to Data Rooms tab on the right.
- If you have not already created a CloudFiles Data Room, create one on this page. Give it a name and provide a description for easy retrieval in the future.
- Here, click on Add and then choose File Request. Give it the name you want.

Your File Request Link via CloudFiles Dataroom is now created.
Send this link to your recipients and request files as required.
A sample file request data room can be experienced here :
CloudFiles File Request is a one stop solution to capture documents of your customers at one place.