Test Drive

Document AI Playground Test Drive


In this test drive, we will use the AI Playground offered by the CloudFiles Test Drive to see how engineered prompts can give ready to use results and automate data entry for Salesforce. The test drive would take less than a minute to complete.

In order to access this test drive, head over to our Salesforce AppExchange listing & click on the Test Drive button. Enter your information to open the test drive org. Once the test-drive is open, navigate to this article within the Instructions tab of the Test Drive.


To test out this feature, follow the simple instructions below.

  1. Go to 'Document AI' tab.
  2. Click on the 'AI Playground' option in the sidebar. This opens the AI playground.
  3. Upload a document here. Make sure you delete your documents after you are done.
  4. Ask a question using the chat panel on the side. E.g. "What is this document about? Give a 10 word summary."
  5. Format and pin point the answer through better prompts. E.g. "What is the total amount due. Give answer as a number."

Refer to the image below for visual understanding of the above steps -

Document image

Beyond this Test Drive

This test drive only demonstrates the power of Document AI. However the real value is derived by combining AI with automations. E.g. here are some possibilities -

  • Extract driving license number of invoice sender address as soon as the file is uploaded in the notes & attachments section.
  • Extract comma separated lists and populate checklists fields. E.g. known conditions from the medical checklist.
  • Create summary of letters or extract clauses from contracts to fill up Salesforce text fields that are easy to reference.

Check out our Test Drive on automatic data entry using AI-based OCR to experience the true power of AI automations.