Get Event Details
This action can be used to get the details of a CloudFiles Event. This action should only be used in Platform Event triggered flows, filtered on CloudFiles Event.
The output of this action is extremely useful for anyone using CloudFiles Platform Events. The data can be used in further flow elements for complex processes. For example, on file upload, you may want to create a custom object record to save some file metadata such as the file name, extension, external storage URL, date of upload etc...
To correctly understand how to use this flow action, refer to the CloudFiles Event Handler Flow Template article that explains how to setup a platform event triggered flow in Salesforce to utilise the CloudFiles Platform events.

When provided with a valid CloudFiles Event Object, this action returns a complex data map which can be used to get useful parameters related to the triggered event.
As an example, the Event Details flow action returns the Copied Salesforce File Details sub-type with useful information including source file id, destination file id, record id etc... which is useful when working with Salesforce File Copied event. This event is triggered when a file is successfully copied over to external storages from Salesforce using the Copy Salesforce Files flow action.
To correctly understand how to use this flow action, refer to the CloudFiles Event Handler Flow Template article that explains how to setup a platform event triggered flow in Salesforce to utilise the CloudFiles Platform events.
The action takes a single input which is the triggering record of the platform event triggered flow. (i.e. the CloudFiles Event Object discussed in the CloudFiles Event Handler Flow Template article). You don't need anything else to use this action.

The output to this flow action can further be used in the flow. As shown below, this action outputs a variable which has output for each type of CloudFiles Event. Depending on the event type, you can check the individual outputs and use them in your processes. E.g. you can intercept the file uploaded event to capture the file name and the folder uploaded event to capture the folder name.

For a full reference to all the event types and the related outputs, refer to All Event Types.