How do I check my consumed automation credits?
One automation credit is used each time you perform a flow action. For example, if your workflow includes four flow actions, running the workflow once will use four credits. Every execution of a flow action consumes one credit, and unused credits do not carry over to the next period. It's important to monitor the usage of your automation credits to prevent disruptions in the execution of CloudFiles flow actions. If you run out of automation credits, please contact us for assistance.
This is how the automation credit consumption looks like -

To check the automation credits consumed, please follow the 4 easy steps as described below -
- Navigate to the AppLauncher on Salesforce
- Search for CloudFiles in the search bar.
- Once in CloudFiles, locate and click on the 'Document Management Tab'.
- From the left sidebar, choose the Automation option and then you can view your automation credit consumption, categorized by day, week, and month.
Refer to the GIF below to have a visual understanding of these steps -

If your automation credits are exhausted, please contact us at [email protected] to upgrade your plan.