How to make existing Salesforce records work with CloudFiles


With CloudFiles, you can set up flows to automate tasks like folder creation on record create/update, automatically copying files to external storage on certain events etc. However, unless your Salesforce account is brand new, you would always have exisitng records which need to have the same file/folder setup. In this article, we will see how to achieve this. This process is commonly called Data Migration.


  1. CloudFiles Setup: Data migration is best done when you have setup CloudFiles processes completely for your new records. This ensures that our processes are finalized and flows are setup correctly.
  2. CloudFiles Subscription: Data Migration is provided free of cost with your CloudFiles subscription. However, since each migration might require some custom work, we require you to be on a paid subscription before the migration can be run. This does not include being on an extended trial or a paid pilot.

The Process

When you're ready for the data migration, please book a short call with CloudFiles team to talk about your existing data. CloudFiles team will then suggest the information it would need to run the migration.

This involves getting a data file from you which includes information about the records for which migration needs to be run. For example, a list of all Salesforce Account Ids for which you want folders created in SharePoint and connected to accounts in Salesforce

After getting all the information, CloudFiles team will run the migration at a suitable time as suggested by you. Migration time depends on the size of data. For a few thousand records it generally takes a couple of hours. The expected time of finishing up the migration will be conveyed to you at the start of the process.