Document Management & Sharing
User Management

License Management

Once the necessary permissions are assigned to Salesforce users, any interaction with the CloudFiles Lightning App or its Lightning Web Components (LWCs) will create a corresponding CloudFiles User.

Managing CloudFiles Users

You can view and manage CloudFiles users in the User Management page under the Document Management tab of the CloudFiles App.

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A Salesforce user must have an "Active" CloudFiles User status to access CloudFiles functionalities. If an "Inactive" user attempts to interact with a CloudFiles LWC, they will receive a "No License" message.

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To activate or deactivate a user:

  • Click the pencil (edit) icon next to the License Status column.
  • Select Active or Inactive from the dropdown.
  • Click Save to apply the changes.

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User Roles & Permissions

The Role field in the User Management page indicates the level of access a user has within CloudFiles.

  • Super Admin Users (those with the CloudFiles "Super Admin" permission) will have the role "Admin" and can access & control all functionalities.
  • Standard Users will have the role "User" and can only access the Content Library tab and CloudFiles components within Salesforce.

License Limitations

  • The number of Active CloudFiles users cannot exceed the total CloudFiles Licenses assigned to your Salesforce org.
  • If you attempt to exceed the allocated number of licenses, you will be prompted to purchase additional licenses.
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