What is an Automation Action
CloudFiles provides multiple actions in Salesforce flows to interact with your external storage like SharePoint, Google Drive etc. These actions can be used to perfom tasks like creating a folder, updating permissions, copying files form Salesforce to external storage etc.

Each time a flow executes, all the CloudFiles actions used in the flow are counted as 1 "Automation action execution" each. For example, if your flow uses "Create Folder" action 3 times, it will use 3 action executions whenever the flow executes once.
The number of inputs to a flow action does not count towards multiple executions, but only one. For example, the "Copy Salesforce Files" action can be used to copy multiple files at a time to external storage. It will only be counted as one execution if you copy a single file in the flow or 100.
Each CloudFiles subscription plan gives you an allowance on number of flow action used per license per month. For example if your plan gives you 100 flow action uses per license per month and you have bought 10 licenses, you will get 1000 flow action uses/per month. These limits are aggregated on annual plans.
- Some plans like "Enterprise" or "Automation License" provide custom automation actions based on your use-case.
- If you go over the limit, CloudFiles won't block your flows or any funcationality. However, if you go over significantly, we will reach out to you to request an upgrade
- Unused flow actions don't roll over to next month on monthly plans. However on annual plans these can be aggregated.