Adding email parameter to the link
CloudFiles provides a handy little feature which has large repercussions for mass email campaigns. Instead of asking your users to fill in their email in our soft gating email wall, you can provide the person's email along with the link. In such a case, since CloudFiles already knows the email, it logs the analytics against it without showing the wall.
Email parameter is adding to a link simply using URL parameters. To personalize the links, simply add the email parameter to the CloudFiles link as shown below -

If you are using some email campaign tools such as MailChimp or HubSpot, you can add some personalization tokens to your hyperlink so that such a parameter is added to all your mass emails. This way, if anyone clicks on your hyperlinks, their analytics will immediately get tracked against their own email.
E.g., for HubSpot users, hyperlink personalization can be added as shown below{{}}