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File Subscriptions by CloudFiles


CloudFiles provides secure file sharing with powerful automations for your files. Additionally it provides security and expiry settings for your links, so that your teams can maintain control over your files. In this article we will discuss the file subscription feature by CloudFiles.

Using file subscriptions, you can have your viewers subscribe to updates in your files. Whenever the file is updated, CloudFiles send an update email to all your subscribers. This is a great way to keep your audience engaged.

About the Feature

CloudFiles provides two means for sharing files: 

  1. Importing files into CloudFiles content library and sharing.
  2. Mirror Drive Sync, to share files directly from your Google Drive, One Drive, SharePoint, DropBox or Box.

When you replace files that have been imported into CloudFiles content library, the file subscription feature can notify your file viewers that the file has been updated. They get a notification, with an email from CloudFiles.

The mirror drive feature by CloudFiles shows the latest version of your files from your Cloud based drives. Hence, when you update your google docs, slides, or any other live document, it gets updated in your CloudFiles links. The file subscription feature will update your file viewers whenever there is a change in the original live document.

Using the File Subscription Feature

In order to use the file subscription feature, simply create a link for your file and enable this feature from the link settings screen. The GIF and the steps below show this in action -

  1. Upload a file into your CloudFiles content library.
  2. Access the link settings of the file, by clicking on the file.
  3. Enable the enable subscriptions button in the general tab of the link settings.
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